How To Get Rid of Parasites, Part 4: Starving the Bugs
Welcome to part 4 of my series on how to get rid of parasites.
- In Part 1, I talked about my story and how I discovered this cleansing process.
- In Part 2, I covered preparing for a cleanse.
- In Part 3, I went over a plan for increasing your natural immunity.
Today, we’re going through how I starved my bugs and set them up for the final killing part of the cleanse.
How I Starved the Bugs

To starve parasites, yeast, and bacteria, I needed to give them less — or none — of their favorite foods: sugar & starches.
This sugar can come in the form of:
- Sugar added to a drink (soda or a fruity alcoholic drink)
- Fruit like watermelon, bananas, or plums.
- Bread and even complex carbohydrates such as grains (like rice) or legumes (beans)
- Even alcohol
But we have to be careful in restricting sugar and starches for long periods of time.
For someone who exercises vigorously, or has a mentally or physically demanding job, their performance and health may suffer if they go too low on these sugars and starches for too long.
There are also medical conditions that make this a bad idea…so please check with your doctor before adopting dietary changes like this…in fact, I’ll relay a story where I almost got into medical trouble…as someone with no health conditions at all!
Last December I thought I had Covid symptoms — I couldn’t believe I was catching Covid a 2nd time…but the combination of being low carb for a long while, and starting to snowboard intensely made my body need more complex carbohydrates to function…as soon as I had a cup of rice, my Covid-like symptoms disappeared, and I felt great.
You must check with your doctor before going on an extremely low-sugar/starch diet like this. It may be incompatible with many health conditions, and I don’t want you to get hurt! So please proceed with caution.
Water-Only Fasts
In some situations, people may want to go on a supervised water-only fast. Here is a retreat in Germany that does medically supervised water fasting.
Now if a low-to-no-carb diet needs to be run by a doctor…that goes triple for a water fast…please proceed very cautiously, and with daily medical check-ins if you go that route.
- I checked with my medical team to see if I could do a cleanse.
- I addressed stressors (mental, physical, emotional).
- I took actions that increased my natural immunity.
- I starved the bugs.
- I took herbs + biofilm disruptors.
So that covers a plan for starving the bugs! Now let’s start talking about step 5: the direct killing of the bugs with herbs and medications.
Keep Reading: How To Get Rid of Parasites, Part 5: Killing the Bugs.